Earlier this month on Kristin Barton Cuthriell’s blog, The Snowball Effect she wrote about things that empowered people refuse to do. I have been thinking a lot about what she had to say and once again found that life is about choices. Kristin states that “Empowered people don’t give their power away. They know they have worth and flat-out refuse to do certain things.” Now that is a powerful statement!
I printed out the article and have been carrying it with me and when I get a chance I will read one of the points and reflect on how I am doing in that area of my own life. Kristin points out 11 things that empowered people refuse to do, and I will share a couple with you. The link to the article in full is below.
1. Empowered people refuse to do the same thing over and over again and expect the different result.
2. Empowered people refuse to allow other to diminish their vision.
3. Empowered people refuse to make their happiness dependent on another person.
4. Empowered people refuse to wait for others to take care of them.
These are only four of the eleven things that Kristin writes about and she expounds on each one with such insight. I have just finished reading Kristin’s new book “The Snowball Effect” and have given it five stars for being a book that motivates you to keep your head up and your eyes on the road for life has a lot to experience and you would want to miss a thing.
Have a great Thursday!