2020 what a year this has been globally. The other day I told my husband, “I feel like I am waiting for something, but don’t know what it is.”
It seems at times that life has been put on hold. I know this is not true, it is just our everyday life is different than what we have always had and I’m waiting for the “old way” to return.
Simple things like visiting good friends and aging relatives are done now through Zoom, or FaceTime. Thank goodness for this amazing technology we have so that we can continue to see one another.
As I was thinking about the year end approaching and my “normal” planning for the coming new year it made me realize that even though I cannot plan like I usually do, I can plan and learn to be more resilient.
This way I can approach each new day of 2021 better prepared than I have been in 2020 for things to come.
For me becoming more resilient means setting myself up for success in four main areas of my life.
Self awareness, Self care, Meaningful Mindset, and having a Positive Purpose. I will take a few minutes each day to focus on these four areas to become a more resilient person who is better prepared to handle what may come my way in 2021.
What will you do?
Have a Mindful Monday! and stay safe.